
Interreg è uno degli strumenti chiave dell’Unione Europea a sostegno della cooperazione transfrontaliera attraverso il finanziamento di progetti. Il suo obiettivo è quello di affrontare le sfide comuni e trovare soluzioni condivise in settori come la salute, l’ambiente, la ricerca, l’istruzione, i trasporti, l’energia sostenibile e altro ancora.


Progetti attivi


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The Regional Operational Program (ROP) is the tool through which the Veneto Region, thanks to funding from the European Union, the State and the Region itself, implements a plan for social and economic growth in the sectors of industrial development, digital agenda, environment and innovation.

Interreg is one of the key tools of the European Union to support cross-border cooperation through the funding of projects. Its goal is facing common challenges and finding shared solutions in sectors such as health, environment, research, education, transport, sustainable energy and more.

The Regional Innovative Network is a cooperation between companies and public and private subjects, which are within the regional context, even if not necessarily in bordering territories. These parties operate in innovative areas of any sector and are able to develop a set of initiatives and projects relevant.